Yes, I am biased… don’t look for middle-of-the-road here.
But my “bias” is based on my own life experience in applying a measure of common sense and critical thinking skills (that works for me), understanding human behavior, having engaged in leadership and management, and all that other hum-drum elitist resume’ fodder no one really cares about. In blogging all that matters is how one communicates for others to understand. What’s important is that my “bias” is based on a pragmatic application of thought and far less about “gut feel” , stereotypical identifying, ancestral tradition, or cognitive mumbo-jumbo from mom & dad’s upbringing.
If You’re an American, you ARE a knight for American democracy…
In the spirit of what it is to be an American we are all some level of knights for freedom and that’s the idea I want to tap into with this new blog. We can be knights for a specific cause within our construct of freedom… even if it’s just paying a little more attention to the news each day… maybe spin off a letter to your elected officials… present your opinion to others (in a proper venue).. and simply try and learn to interpret and comprehend all the craziness in order to make up your own mind as to what the hell is going on these days… and who deserves YOUR vote.